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Monday, September 01, 2008

Wanted: Missing Tooth

Joshua was eating lunch today and his Aunt Kimberlee noticed an empty spot in his mouth previously occupied by a tooth. We weren't quite prepared for the Tooth Fairy speech, especially since we didn't even know he had a loose tooth. After lunch, he wrote a note for the Tooth Fairy, letting her know that his very first tooth fell out unnoticed. The good news is that his second bottom front tooth is loose now, too, so we'll be ready for that one when it decides to fall out.

(posted on Aug 31 in Pacific Standard Time)


Blogger ablykins said...

Woohoo- congrats on the big first tooth loss, glad it wasn't traumatic! Hopefully the second tooth will be just as painless and quick.

ps- Happy birthday Nicki! :-)

Tue Sep 02, 08:08:00 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you can see how loose it is from your picture! Just hard to believe! Baba

Thu Sep 04, 10:22:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Weinraub Family said...

OMG OMG OMG....didn't our kids JUST finish teething? How is it possible they are old enough now to loose those teeth?

So, how much did the tooth fairy leave?? With the rate of inflation since were kids, I am curious, LOL

Wed Sep 10, 02:06:00 PM GMT+9  

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