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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Travel with Baby Showers

OK, I thought I would blend the title together. I woke up at 5:00AM this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Either this has to do with my pregnancy or I'm super anxious about my flight tomorrow. Probably a little bit of both.

Last night some close friends of mine held a baby shower for me. The decorations were so cute (surfboards, lanterns, and swim trunks) and the food was great (Make you own ice cream sandwiches). There were some great ladies there, a mix of on and off basers , which made for fun conversation. We played a game of hanging clothes on the line while holding a baby doll and talking on the phone. (All the while creating a fake conversation on the phone). Then I opened all the gifts. So many baby clothes and fun things! Which I really needed. I've been able to get most of the gear, it's just the clothes and little things that I was needing.

I will post pictures when I can. Mike and I went to together and bought me a camera that I could have during my travels. It's a little Canon Power Shot SD1100 IS Digital Elph. I wanted something that was made in Japan and not China, which the Japanese Salesman at the NEX was very happy about. The Canon Rebel is just too big for me to take and Mike wouldn't give that up for 2 whole months! I am now under obligation to take a lot of pictures and post them, something that has been Mike's domain in the past (no pressure!). I'm super anxious about leaving for such a long time. I will really miss my friends here. I've made so many close ones. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and I hope they are happy about seeing me but it's a long time to be away from my husband and friends and house and life! Stay tuned. This summer should be interesting as I deal with pregnancy, childbirth, reverse culture shock, and family drama!

Just recently, I made a new dessert called Chocolate Sludge a dessert fit for 2 - soon to be 3 - boys in the house.


Blogger Jeff D said...

Have fun on your trip. Canon makes great point and shoot cams, you should have no trouble getting great pictures with your Elph.

Wed Jul 09, 08:26:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jeff,

The Elph is pretty awesome. I'm just glad Nicki picked the brown/maroon colored one. She was eyeballing the pink one for a minute or so first.


Thu Jul 10, 09:32:00 PM GMT+9  

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