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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Just Breathe (Nicki)

Ah about my title, it got off to a rocky start today with me finding out that I had accidently put a blue crayon in the dryer (hidden in my apron pocket....yes, I wear an apron!). It turned all of the socks blue and left a blue ring around the rubber seal on the dryer door. We were already running late as I made the left hand turn off of our street. I saw some dust on the windshield and thought I would clean it off. As soon as I squirted the water onto the windshield, it froze. This would have been bad enough. However, not realizing what had happened, I proceeded to do it again. Poor Mike had to dig below the seats, retrieve the ice scraper and scrape off the frozen cleaning fluid. I was cranky this morning and the last thing that I wanted to do was go the gym. But, I did and it ended up being the best medicine for a bad morning. After 30 minutes of sweating it out, I was ready to start the day. I picked up Josh and stopped by the food court for a little treat for him and some coffee for me. We sat there as I finished my coffee. I spun quarters around the table for him. He loves this game and digs through my wallet just to get all the change for this purpose. I thought that the nastiness was over but, I remembered after thinking this that I should never underestimate a toddler. Josh hates dropping things. I don't know why. I have never over reacted when he makes a mess or drops anything. My theory is that it's his father's engineering side coming out in him. Anyway, as I was driving home he dropped one of his toys in the back seat. It was located somewhere I couldn't get to while I was at the wheel. He screamed and growled at me the whole way home. His faced was beat red with tears streaming down. This kid should get an Oscar for his performance. There I was driving in a foreign country with a screaming toddler in the back. "Just breathe" I told myself. I'm a sincere believer in the power of breathing technics far beyond the delivery room! We made it safely home sanity intact. As soon as I opened his door and picked up the toy, all was right in his world.

Not much has happened since my most recent blog. I've just been chuggin' away. Our neighborhood is highly populated with Americans/Westerners. Marcus and Masayo live next door. Marcus is from the States and Masayo is a Japanese national. They have 2 boys and Masayo, like myself, is a stay at home mom. Unfortunately, we've only said, "hi" and "bye" when crossing paths. Just the other day, I was venting to Marcus about how cold we've been. That night, they stopped by to give us one of their old kerosene heaters. We were totally surprised but even more thankful. That thing cooks! For once in a great while we were able to sit at the kitchen table without seeing our breath! Because of their generosity it made us feel doubley guilty that we hadn't gone out of our way to socialize more and that we didn't do the proper Japanese-good-new-neighbor thing and drop by with a gift. After they left and as soon as we closed the door, we both looked at each other and said "we NEED to get them something" The next day my first stop was the commissary to pick up the ingredients to make them a Bicardi Rum Bundt Cake. Even though I love to cook, I rarely bake, but this is one of my favorite recipes (1) because it has a total of 1 cup of Rum in it (2) because it's pretty easy to make if a little time consuming and (3) because it tastes really good. Anyway, I stopped by this afternoon to drop it off and Masayo seemed pretty happy to see me & Josh. I really hope that they enjoy the cake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your day didn't get off to a very good start! I've had days like that too. LOL I'm sure your neighbors will love the cake! In fact, I think I might just try making one, it sounded so good! Thanks for the recipe!

Tue Jan 24, 05:44:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a crayon? That's nothing! ;)

Last year I left a brand new (re: lots of ink) gel-pen in my shorts. It made it through the cold-wash cycle fine, but I didn't catch it and it went into the dryer. Disaster! When I opened up the load after it had finished, the entire drum was coated in a baby-blue tint! Not only did I ruin the shorts, but also my favorite "Saturday-Guy-Day" Astro's baseball division championship shirt. Uhggg!

I spent two hours trying to get the ink off the inside of the drum and eventually had to use acetone to get it to come off. Then (in the haze of fumes) after getting a very small portion cleaned off, I decided that I was crazy and it was time to buy a new dryer set. Since ours were over 10 years old anyway, it could be reasonably justified.

At first I just wanted to get a dryer (since the washer was fine). That would be how a guy would think right? Nothing wrong with the washer, get a new dryer--who cares if they match or not? But after a long philosophical discussion in the middle of the appliance dept, my dear wife "lovingly" convinced me that a matched set would be better. So we did! (I love her wisdom--and the set now!)

I do the laundry duties in our home, so it was painfully embarrassing to let that one slip through. Now I go through all pants and shirt pockets prior to washing....

I actually got to see a windshield window crack when it got water put on it during a freeze. Luckily it wasn't one of ours! Now we just get the cars idling in the morning--warming up and blasting the windows with the defrosters if the temp is too low and ice is on them. We can do that where we live, but I don't know if you could leave a car running (locked or not) over there....

Wed Jan 25, 12:20:00 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. My husband was a barracks marine in Yokosuka and we lived off base for 3 wonderful years. We were very young at the time(19-21yrs old). I would love to talk with you. My name is Ginny and if you'd like you can contact me at

Wed Jan 25, 04:08:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger ReyLynda said...

Your post actually made me physically cover my face when I read about the blue crayon! There have been many trips to the Exchange to get new uniforms due to many errant ball point pens in this house.

and P.S. -- please use this comment as your "Get Out of Guilt" Card. You're doing a GREAT job of settling in it sounds. I'm sure they will love the cake!

Wed Jan 25, 10:10:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ginny, I will throw an email your way. Thanks for the information. I'd love to hear more about your experiences here.

Rey & Claus, I can only imagine the kind of havoc a pen would send our way! I forgot to mention that the reason this crayon was in my apron pocket was because I had picked it up from under the kotatsu. It had melted under there and created a blue stain on a carpet before it made it's way to the dryer. Oh well for a crayon, it lived a long and memoriable life! Claus, your wife is very wise....because if you choose to get a new washer and dryer before this set craps out, a young couple is more likely to buy a used matching set! Good re-sell value.

Wed Jan 25, 01:53:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Gingers Mom said...

My dad had an incredible knack for tinting laundry unusual colors. None of my underwear, bras or white tshirts stayed white for very long.
Don't let it get you down. It could have been an entire bottle of strawberry syrup on your living room carpet. :)

Wed Jan 25, 02:38:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yes! I remember that story! I would have just died! Ah, your condo is full of memories :)

Wed Jan 25, 02:52:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmmm cake!

with rummmmmmmmmm!

Now that's a good cake. And a great gesture.

Wed Jan 25, 03:54:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Niki and I like cooking and eating dishes from various countries. I saw your page 'Nicki's kitchen' (as you can see, my email address is nikikitchen coincidently!) and looks like you are very good cook. I wonder if you are interested in teaching cooking....
web pages

Wed Jan 25, 05:35:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

addtional!! sorry some of comments!!




I love world wide cooking very much. if you interest this very happy.

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Wed Jan 25, 05:44:00 PM GMT+9  

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