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Saturday, January 07, 2006


This morning, Nicki and I took part in a New Year's 5K Run / 1 Mile Walk event hosted by the Navy's Wellness Center. We decided that Nicki would walk the 1-mile event with Josh and I would try the 5K. It's been a while since I last took part in a 5K, or any organized run for that matter... last time was probably the Coronado Bridge Run with a few coworkers back in San Diego. But as I mentioned in a previous post, my resolution this New Year's was to get my life into better shape, so today was a good kick-start to the "physical health" portion of my life.

As it turns out, the races did not start at the same time. After watching Nicki and Josh take off on their race, I went inside the Thew Gym (one of two gyms on base) to stay warm and to stretch. Inside, I ran into a couple that Nicki and I met recently here, Andy and Maggie. They've been in Japan less than a month, but similar to us, they seem to be the types that want to see and do a lot while they are here. In fact, they were running today as part of their training for the Kyoto Half Marathon that's coming up in late March.

During the run, I tried to keep up with Andy and Maggie and did a fairly good job until the last quarter-mile or so, when I started getting a cramp in my gut. I started walking, but only for a few steps before Andy and Maggie noticed that I wasn't keeping up and Maggie yelled back at me to get a move on. So I started jogging again and was able to make it to the finish line in 29 minutes and change. Not bad for my first 5K in a while. Hopefully, I'll stick to my guns and get into a good workout routine this coming week, so that I'll be even more prepared for the next few races around town.

After the race, we ate lunch and headed home to get Josh ready for his nap. After getting a shower, I went down our street to a place that I've been eyeballing for the past couple of months as a potential photo shooting spot. I was geared up with the Canon Digital Rebel and my new 50mm lens, which I've been dying to test out. I captured a few good pics and have added them to the Gallery at the left, under today's date.

Here's a sample.

Another newcomer to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Zack, was kind enough to add us to his blog's list of links. We've done the same for him on our list of links, but you can also check out his blog at


Blogger ザック said...

Hey guys! Thanks a lot for listing me on your blog page! I just took some amazing pictures at Shinshoji Temple and Omotesandomichi today, so I'll have to post them when I get back from dinner if I have time!

Sat Jan 07, 05:40:00 PM GMT+9  

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