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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Too Busy! (Nicki)

I've just been so busy this last week, that Mike has past me up with blogs recently. As I sit here amongst a pile of recipes to put on my "Nicki's Kitchen" blog, I can't help being grateful for this Sunday resting period. I went out looking for action and I found it. I am still so astounded by all the resources the Navy provides for spouses & families away from home. We've been able to do things here that we just wouldn't have been able to afford back in San Diego.

On Mondays I've got Storytime for Josh at the library. Miss Laura conducts a great story hour for young kids. She plays the guitar, hands out project pamphlets to take home, sings songs, reads books, and works on couting and letters. She is pretty amazing.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I've got my gym days and Josh gets to play at daycare for several hours. It's a great opportunity to be around other children and a great opportunity for me to get in shape and be around other adults! For a while this daycare thing was tough. I would cry after leaving and Josh would cry while I was leaving. I kept on questioning my judgement on whether or not daycare was really a good idea. (Mothers with more than one child may laugh at this) Last Thursday sealed the deal when I kissed him goodbye and he ran off to the slide with the other children not even giving me a second glance. It was a bitter sweet moment. I loved that he finally felt comfortable there with the other children but my little selfish mother part was sad that he found something that he enjoyed away from my company.

On Wednesday's is "Hoppy Hour" at the base. Here, Miss Laura makes a grand appearance again. This class is similar to a gymboree/dance class for kids. They have parachute time, musical instruments, marching, running & dancing. This like Storytime is a Mommy & Me type class. The beginning for some reason always gets off to a rocky start. For some reason he goes into freak out mode. But, by the end of the class Josh has a blast. Then on Wednesday night, while Mike watches Josh, I try to fit in some lap swim time at the gym for an hour or two.

Fridays are coffee days. Josh and I meet with a small group of Moms at Starbucks for coffee. It's a great chance for me to unwind but still be with Josh. I bring a whole bucket full of Thomas the Train toys, buy him some donut holes and children's hot chocolate, and arm myself with Elmo stickers. He seems to do well for those couple of hours. Being that it's a group of Moms that meet, they are all forgiving when it comes to temper tantrums and throwing toys. If I come and the Moms aren't there, there are always the 2 Starbucks regulars. Two men who are retired military. I always seem to run into them and they always seem to know "Oh, it's Friday. Time to hop up your kid with sugar for Dad" I always get a kick out of them.

I've met so many freinds here so far and if I choose to, I am busy all the time! Our friend Jeff informed us that we may make more friends here than we have in the States. So far he has spoken the truth! There is also a book club that has been put together and I've joined that. I'm now reading Memiors of a Geisha for the 2nd time and really enjoying it. It's been quite a few years since I've read it, so it's been fun to look at it now at a different time in my life. Mike has informed me that this has been one of my shining moments where I am turning more into the social butterfly and he is becomming more of the observer with his camera. What a difference a country can make!

Oh, another thing on my to do list is to stop by our wonderful neighbors house and ask about getting a tutorial on Japanese cooking. I have this great book on how to cook Japanese, however, it's all in English and I have to go to a Japanese store to obtain all the ingredients and cooking utensils. Plus, who needs a cookbook when you have a Japanese stay at home mom right next door. I can't wait to fill everyone in on this once I get the wheels turning.

Mike took some fabulous pictures of Mt. Fuji. He went out yesterday real early and drove down the peninsula. After returning home, he came back a new man. He was so excited to show me all these fantastic pics. So, stay tuned to browse the photo gallery!


Blogger Gingers Mom said...

I hear the MWR and spouse groups over there are so much better. I am envious of your schedule. Daycare is great. It is hard at first, trust me I know. But preschool has been an amazing experience for Savannah in building her confidence and social skills. hang in there!

Mon Feb 13, 06:44:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Laura Ackerman said...

Hello Mike, Nicki and Josh!
Miss Laura here. I was searching the web for Hoppy Hour pictures, as I am now writing 'How-to' guides. I googled in 'Miss Laura Hoppy Hour' and I got your blog. Your words about my program are so B-E-A-Utiful! Thank you so much! I am looking for class pictures that people might have posted. I haven't found any yet, but was delighted to hear Josh sing Twinkle, Twinkle and ABC's. Just makes tears come to my eyes! Sniff...I miss Japan! We are in Great Lakes and I work with the old Yokosuka Librarian, Kevin Jones, again, at the Great Lakes Navy Base library. I get about 12 kids in, but I still do the whole crazy program. I sure hope that your family is doing well. Please write me sometime when you get a chance. Sing 'Uh! Oh! Peanutbutter!' for me too!
Hugs, Friendship, Laughter, Learning and Love Always,
Your Miss Laura

Sun Apr 15, 09:21:00 AM GMT+9  

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