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Monday, February 12, 2007

California Dreamin'

It seems as though my previous post wafted with the odor of reminiscence. However, there was an underlying theme there. Soon, I will be off to Sacramento to spend some much needed time with family and friends. I am very excited, but equally nervous. I hear so many different opinions and tidbits of advice in regards to my first visit "back home".

Our readers may have got an inkling that I might be a bit of a list-aholic. I absolutely need lists in my everyday life. Every Sunday, I sit down and make a list categorized by every day of the next week. Listing the errands that need to be run, the dinner menu, and the chores that need to get done. I also write down my grocery list at the same time. Then go through and make sure that my weekly list lines up with all of my appointments in my day planner. Don't ask the logic of having a day planner along with this list... it works for me gosh darn it! If I didn't have this list, I would be paying for childcare I didn't use, and would be in a vegetative state on the couch because, well, the list wouldn't be telling me what needs to get done!

Now that everyone is fully convinced of my nutjob status, I'll continue with my stateside visit story. When it comes to this epic visit back "home", I have a list about a mile long of restaurants I want to eat at and places I want to go. For readers unfamiliar with California... Sacramento is the capital city, located in northern California. Technically it's pretty much smack dab in the middle of the state but by most it's considered northern California. When I was growing up, 5 minutes outside of downtown turned into cow town. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on one's view, the city has grown tremendously since my childhood (and no folks... my childhood wasn't that long ago no matter what my 16 year old brother might say.) Although there isn't a ton to do in Sacramento, the city is right in the middle of some really cool stuff. It's located about an hour and a half drive away from San Fransisco, an hour away from Napa Valley and an hour and a half away from Lake Tahoe. Drive a little further and you'll hit Reno. Even though most of my time will be visiting family, I'm hoping to spend some much needed time visiting these cities as well (except maybe Reno).

Along with touristy sightseeing, I'm planning on doing some major damage at the local malls! Mike is probably shaking in his boots about how many miles we are going to get on our charge card. Japan has some majorly cute clothes, but unfortunately my America-jin body just doesn't fit right in them. Yes, I am bigger than the average Japanese women, but I'm also just plain curvier. Oh yes, and the restaurants... oh have mercy! I am in some need of some serious Mexican food first and foremost. Then maybe a big fat juicy hamburger from In 'n' Out.

Some of my friends have given me advice not to get my expectations up too high but right now I feel as though I'm a kid on my birthday... the day of my birthday party right before all my friends come over.

There is of course that sense of nervousness as well. That twinge of anxiety before taking a long flight. Mine seems to be heightened by the stress of taking a 10 hour flight by myself with a 3 year old, who lately has had this bad habit of repeating himself about 10 times before he moves on to something new to talk about. He is so hilarious lately though. We are trying to teach him knock knock jokes. Here's a few:

Me: Knock Knock
Josh: Who's there?
Me: Banana
Josh: Banana who?
Me: Knock Knock
Josh: Who's there?
Me: Banana
Josh: (giggle) Banana who?
Me: Knock Knock
Josh: Who's there!?
Me: Orange
Josh: Orange who?
Me: Orange you glad I didn't say banana?!
Josh: (Laughing hysterically) You did say banana! (Technically he's right.)


Me: Knock Knock
Josh: Who's there?
Me: Boo
Josh: Boo who?
Me: It's just a joke, you don't have to cry about it!

Now, this one is by Josh:

Josh: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Josh: Banana
Me: Banana who?
Josh: It's just a joke, you don't have to cry about it!

Needless to say, he needs a little more rehearsal time before he makes an appearance on The Late show. However, he definitely makes us laugh no matter how the joke comes out. I'm going to have to think of a few more knock knock jokes so I'm not banana'ed out by the time we land in San Fran! Wish me luck!


Blogger Ginny said...

Knock Knock
Who's there?
God Bless you!
Have a great trip!

Tue Feb 13, 09:39:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

We just tried this one on Joshua. Here's how it went:

Mommy: Knock Knock.
Josh: Who's there?
M: Ach
J: Ach Who?
M: Bless you!
J: Aren't you glad I didn't say banana.


Wed Feb 14, 08:05:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger What's For Dinner? said...

I love to do knock knock jokes with my kids too. It's funny to see how they mess it up.
Another joke they love (not knock knock)

What is a pirate's favorite letter?


Fri Feb 16, 06:37:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger ReyLynda said...

Good luck with all of the travels, I'm really excited to hear about your restaurant reviews!

Good travels :D

Sun Feb 18, 03:59:00 AM GMT+9  

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