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Thursday, June 22, 2006


Well, not much has been going on in the world of SAHM (Stay-at-home-mom). I suppose I've just been keeping to my regular routine and popping in for visits at my husbands office way too many times!

I have been trying to pick up running. My short term goal is to make it all the way to the base (about 4K from our house). However, with the excessive amount of humidity in the air it's proven difficult. I decided to take a break yesterday because I was super sore and because one of my girlfriends, Patrice, suggested going to Kannonzaki park near our house, so some of us moms drove over to Kannonzaki and let the kids run wild.

The gorgeous hydrangeas were in full bloom and despite the bugs flying around, it was a great place to take the toddler boys & 2 adorable baby twins! There is a huge roller slide there. Now, when I say huge I mean this thing winds all the way down a cliff and it takes about 50 steps to walk back up and do it again. It looks as though Japan is the only country I've been to that has these slides and they are a real hit with kids. This was the only slide that I've seen that supplies mats while you slide down. This causes you to go screaming down the side of this cliff at mach speeds. I suppose I could equate it with maybe using one of those plastic saucers to go sledding. It leaves you only the soles of your shoes to use as breaks. I held Amy's son, Chris, down the slide. Amy held her daughter, Courtney, & Patrice held her baby son, Jack. Since Josh had to keep up with his friend Timmy, he decided to go down all by himself like a big boy. Amy had brought her dog Buddy. Buddy is a herding dog by nature. As we were walking through the park he made sure to stay in the middle of the group and if someone lagged behind, Buddy would stay with the straggler until they caught up. As we went down the slide the first time, Buddy barked in desperation as he watched us all slide down the hill. After we all made it down we looked up to see Buddy braving the slide to make sure that we were all together. The second time around Josh bit the dust and slid down the hill with a bloody nose. He cried for about 2 minutes (I was more upset then he was) then exclaimed, "I go again!" and ran up the stairs to catch up with Timmy. After the boys went about 5 times, we moms were ready to go home and hit the showers! Everyone was caked with sweat and dirt. What a fun-filled morning. It's something we've got to do again! Just a day in the life of a Mom. Never boring.

Before heading off to Kannonzaki that morning I was checking my email when I started hear a loud meowing coming from outside. I glance out the window from upstairs trying to spot the culprit but saw nothing. This went on for about 10-20 minutes. I looked out the window again to see a brown and grey cat planted right outside our porch. Thinking that it was a cat in heat, I ran downstairs and grabbed my broom to get it away. After all, the last thing I wanted was a verral cat screaming at my door all day. I opened the door only to see a small kitten running off into the bushes. My heart sank. After trying to coax it back with no success, I closed the door, secretly hoping to hear that meow again. Sure enough, I did and this time I came out with milk. Still no success. Unfortunately for me, time was up. I still had to run some errands before meeting the moms at Kannonzaki. I loaded Josh and myself into the car with crazy visions of taking in a stray cat and hoping against all hope that it would come back to stay. I came back from errands only to find no sign of the cute kitten and again, no sign today. I don't think I'll forget those little blue eyes for a while though.

CBS News, the Masters of Geography

It seems as though the folks that run the CBS News website didn't work their way up the corporate ladder by taking extra geography lessons. Here's a recent story from the CBS world news webpage. Notice anything wrong with the picture, as it relates to the headline?

The actual story from CBS has been updated with a more representative picture and a note at the bottom indicating that they apologize for the blunder.


Blogger Jeff D said...

Someone on the State boards told me that not only is the flag wrong, but that is not a picture of Earth's moon but one of Saturn's moons. Which if you think of it is easy to see. Where is the sea of tranquility?


Thu Jun 22, 10:38:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Gingers Mom said...

What a great mommy day! Sounds like fun. You'll have to take pictures next time so we can see this massive slide. All the kids look adorable.
Journalism isn't exactly what it used to be is it?

Fri Jun 23, 12:42:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

It was a fun mommy day. I have to take a picture next time. I was running super late and forgot the camera. The dog sliding down would have been great! I've met a really good bunch of people here. I totally agree with the journalism mess-up. What is up with American News?! Watching Good Morning America is like watching a talk show! Stories about celebrities and touching moments about finding children or donating kidneys....which is all well and good but meanwhile there are people dieing in Sudan and then there's Korea and so many more things happening in the world that should trump a story about a dog that can surf! Anyway, enough of my soapbox. I used to watch the BBC News on KPBS when I was back in the states. That gave a broad sprectrum of subjects and didn't seem one sided.

Fri Jun 23, 07:27:00 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. I watched your beautiful pictures in Kannonzaki and found the photo of kids with hydrangea. I've just come back from USA to Japan and am living in Uraga very close to Kannonzaki. I'm a Japanese, teaching studensts at an university and my wife is working as a medical doctor. My daughter is 3 years old and can speak English as she went to a child care center in USA. She is now taking English lessons to maintain her English. However, she will stop it temporarily because her teacher takes a long summer vacation.
Although my comment may be inappropriate here, I have a question for you.
Do you know whether there is a playroom for kids who can speak English in Yokosuka?
Althoguh I've tried to find out one, I've failed.
I appreciate it if you give me some information.
Thank you.
Daisuke Sugiyama

Mon Jul 03, 10:00:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for the question. Is there a way that I may contact you? One of the mothers in our group teaches English but I believe the children are older. However, I will ask and see what I can find out. There are many many things offered on the Navy base if you or your wife were affiliated with it. There are also many Americans offering private English lessons. I will ask around and see if I can find someone that you may be able to contact. I will leave the information on our comment section if I can not find a more direct way.

Wed Jul 05, 02:11:00 PM GMT+9  

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