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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Seething With Jealousy

So yes, the reason why our readers had to suffer through my grammatical and spelling errors was because my proof reader....AKA my husband, Mike, was gone on business to Washington DC. He found out about this trip last minute and, because of this, 2 more plane tickets just would have been too much money.

Needless to say because he was able to go back "Home" before me, I was seething with jealousy. 'I mean, he was going to leave me here in Japan alone?!' Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying Japan but I miss the USA. I miss that feeling of being home. To know where I'm going and to be able to look for a paper clip without spending an hour in a department store before I find it. OK, that's exaggerating but I'm sure you catch my drift. I have a big long list of things that I'm going to do when I get back home. Number one is to go to a good hair stylist. I won't trust my hair to someone who can't understand half of what I am saying or to the folks on base. I just can't do it. I did it before and won't ever again. I am probably going to go home and spend a small fortune on a good haircut. Also going to spend some cash at the outlet stores when I'm home. Oh yes, and my dream... walking into a Target (Insert angels singing here). I can't tell you how tired I am of shopping online. I miss instant gratification! Oh yes and getting some good Mexican food. I do have much much more on this list. Including being able to just say "hello" to someone on the street.

While I was winging it on my own with the little one, my doctor served me with the bad news that I had bronchitis. So, not only was I here all alone but I was housebound and on some pretty strong meds. Holding Josh prisoner and making him bounce off the walls when I all wanted was to take a nap.

It wasn't all bad though. Mike returned with a highly anticipated Ebay purchase. My Maclaren stroller. WOOHOO. Now, as all you men roll your eyes, I will proceed to tell all of the soon-to-be-mothers out there that if there is one thing to splurge on for your child it is the stroller! Unfortunately, I have gone through 4 strollers. All because I just couldn't bring myself to spend the money on the one that I REALLY wanted. Believe me girls, that one that you REALLY want and costs maybe $150+ is worth every penny! Or, better yet maybe it's the one that you stare at thinking to yourself, 'how could anyone spend that much on a stroller. That's insane!' Here's my argument. It's quite possibly the one thing that your baby and you will use for the longest and most frequently so splurge. I've bought 2 Gracos and they did not withstand the test of time. Then I bought a Chicco which was a total waste....then I bought a Kidco which lasted a while and was the best out of all the crap I bought over the years. If I just would have bought that expensive one to begin with, it actually would have saved me money over the long run. I think that I'm in agreement with most mothers out there as well.

OK, enough of my rants. Yes, Mike got to go "home" before I did but really because it was for work, he really didn't get to experience much and because he wasn't on his "stomping grounds" he wasn't too familiar with the terrain. Leaving him to walk around and take pictures which, left to his own devices, would be his preference anyhow. He did get some great ones. However, blame it on me and his son that he hasn't posted them yet. Because he was gone for 10 whole days, he is busy making up for that time with us and is slow to get the pictures all processed. I thought it maybe appropriate that I be held responsible therefore I should type out another blog to keep everyone reading. We do enjoy the comments and have labeled ourselves comment whores of sorts.


Blogger Antipasta said...

Hope you feel better soon with the bronchitis. It's no fun being sick, especially when your helper is not around. I got to stay in the States for two extra weeks than Patrick & he let know that that's the last time I get to stay longer.. so I'm glad I took full advantage of it.. :)
Make a list & stick with what you want to do, eat, shop, & see. I was shocked at how quickly 4 weeks came & went.

Tue Dec 12, 10:27:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Aw....glad he is back. It's no fun when they are off somewhere that you wish you could be too. Dan might be going out to Japan after the new year. I think it is to Atsugi?
I am totally with you on the stroller thing. I wish I had a McClaren! Dan would kill me if he knew I was eyeing strollers again. We have about 5.Hee hee.\

I'm a comment whore too. Proud to say it.

Wed Dec 13, 03:18:00 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, did you mention that Grammy bought that first stroller, the one you just had to have and then ran over??? Older and wiser now, are we?
Just wanted to say that this Mom can't wait to see you stateside. I'll keep up with all the shopping etc. but can't wait to just sit down and play with Josh too. I know BaBa is also getting excited as February and March near, especially since Mike will be home for his birthday, right?
Glad things are getting back to somewhat normal with Mike home!!!

Love you--Mom

Wed Dec 13, 07:51:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Antipasta: I think the bronchitis has run its course with all of us. Not a fun illness and it got passed around to all of us. Glad that you and Patrick had a good time Stateside. Nicki gets two extra weeks early in 2007 back in California... I will only see the east coast again. So her jealousy over my DC trip will only be short lived.

Gingers mom: If Danno makes it out here to Atsugi, he'll be within an hour of us. PLEASE keep us posted so we can plan a visit... hopefully his trip won't overlap with ours back to the States.

Laura: Yep, we'll be back in the States for my birthday and right around your birthday too. We're all looking forward to that trip... though I wish I could spend some time in California, too.


Wed Dec 13, 02:35:00 PM GMT+9  

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