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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Our New Baby Girl

The adoption isn't final for another week, but as for now we are the proud parents of a 7-month old baby girl. Isn't she beautiful?

And just so the boys don't get jealous, some pics of them too. This is what it looks like when you surprise a baby with a camera flash.

Then there's the happy baby shot. He's a quick learner.


Blogger Unknown said...

A side note the she has a striking resemblance to a money cat (Maneki Neko). If we could only teach her to wave and sit outside our doorway.

Tue Feb 03, 09:12:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we still have Internet snail connection . . . and only saw our new baby girl . . . then seven months old . . . you can not imagine what I was thinking. Congratulations! What is her name? What a handsome family! Baba

Wed Feb 04, 09:40:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Her name is Jane. But we've already started calling her Lady Jane, Ms Jane, Crazy Jane, etc.

She's a sweetheart during the day, but right around bedtime she goes on the prowl and gets a little insane.

Wed Feb 04, 07:33:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely cat, great for kids to grow up with an animal too - but do give her a couple of bolt holes where she can get away from the kids as well. Cats are crepuscular - which is why they are active at dawn and dusk. Ten minutes or so of vigourous play (not letting her attack your hands though) helps them get in out of their system.

Have fun with her and keep posting the photos,

Sun Feb 08, 07:05:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger ablykins said...

Congrats your new kitty! The boys look so great and are growing so fast!!

Tue Feb 10, 11:43:00 AM GMT+9  

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